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Ferrata shock absorber

โƒ basic equipment, which is used solely for via ferrata.

ferrata shock absorber

- The ferrata shock absorber consists of two carabiners, elastic lanyards and a ripp`n`stop brake. In the brake there is stitched webbing rolled up. In the event of a fall it begins to ripp and continually brakes the fall to prevent the climber`s injury caused by the impact force. Different manufacturers produce different types of brakes and especially carabiners are produced in different shapes and sizes. It is up to everyone to handle the carabiners and choose the most suitable one.


- The helmet is basic equipment when moving in the mountains, you can use it for practically anything.

โƒ When climbing on ferrata, it is very important, as the climber moving above you can loosen stones and they can fall on your head.

โƒ in case of stones fall, watch out! never look up, even the helmet will not help you :)

โƒ The helmet must first be tested for perfect fit, it should not move on your head.


Sit harness, chest harness

- The sit harness is an essential part of the equipment of each climber, because it is attached to the ferrata shock absorber, you can also attached some other parts of the equipment to the gear loops(carabiners, sling, a selfie stick)

- The sit harness can be used for many other activities such as rock climbing, climbing in climbing gyms (artificial wall), attachment to other members when moving on glaciers, ice climbing etc.

- The chest harness is a part of the compulsory equipment of the ferrata climber. It is connected to the sit harness by a sling, and makes the movement on the ferrata even safer. The advantage of this system is that, when you fall upside down, you do not slip out of the seat, as the center of gravity in combination with the breast harness is much higher. The disadvantage is discomfort, that is why most people do not wear chest harnesses and take risks.


Ferrata blocker

- Ferrata blocker is a special blocker on ferrata, which will make the movement on ferrata even safer.

- The blocker is clicked on the steel wire and is movable in both directions, but if the ferrata is steep, it rises sharply and the rope is in a vertical position, the blocker is only movable in the upward direction. In the event of a fall, the blocker locks the wire rope and prevents the fall. The climber will not fall to the last securing bar into the rock. If the climber falls from just below the anchor rod, the fall can be up to 5 meters long, but it stops much earlier, as the blocker does not slide down the rope.

โƒ It can also be used for long steep ferrata as a sling seat.

ferrata blockerโƒ It is recommended to use it mainly for children or less experienced individuals, or in passages that are very demanding (it is not to be used on ferrata B, etc.) Link to use here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v = QUqbFQWmP-s

ferratovรก odsedka

Self-belayed sling

โƒ you can occasionally see climbers on the ferrata with a sling threaded through the sit harness and fitted with a carabiner

โƒ This is often used when you rest. Click the carabiner onto the rope and sit back in the loop.

โƒ it is not allowed to fall into this system, the loop is not flexible and it could easily break

โƒ it is also necessary to be protected by a ferrata shock absorber even when using the seat.


- Most people climb ferrata in such a way that they hold on to the steel rope and climb up, it is safer than a classical movement on the rock.

- This method can be painful for hands, so it is necessary to wear gloves (special gloves are sold for ferrata, or cycling ones can be used)





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